Second call for projects “Fonds Pacifique”!
A second call for projects is launched this year by the permanent Secretariat for the Pacific, with the view to select projects susceptible to be funded by the “Fund for economic, social and cultural cooperation for the Pacific “, or “Fonds Pacifique”.
The selected projects will contribute to the regional insertion of the French communities: New Caledonia, French Polynesia and islands Wallis and Futuna.
Projects submitted for this call by Australian partners shall be submitted to the Embassy of France in Australia, by September the 2nd, 2018 (12 am Canberra time). To be eligible, the selected projects will have to fit in one of the following field:
Project allowing the French communities to be associated with the fight against climate change and with the risk prevention of disasters. Projects contributing to the respect for the obligations of States as well as to the implementation of the decisions which were taken in the COP 21 as well as of those who will be during the COP 22 will be particularly appreciated.
Economic and industrial project (studies of feasibility, impact, training initiatives…)
Sanitary safety or Food safety project (fight against the endemic diseases (non-contagious or transmitted by infectious vectors, management of halieutic resources, actions with great potential of economic development and increase of the regional exchanges).
Beyond these themes, preference will be given to the projects underlining communication efforts, measure of efficiency, follow-up by indicators and outcomes in mid and long terms.
The projects must be co-financed at least at 50 % of the total amount of the eligible expenses
– The Pacific Fund is meant to initiate projects and not to support the development of a project through time. In case you foresee that the project you are submitting might lead to a potential re-application later on, this has to be mentioned from the start. – The projects submitted by Australian partners have to be sent by email at the service of cooperation and cultural action of the Embassy of France in Canberra (, and their description must be drafted in French –for Australian partners
To apply, you must fill the project form: Project Form 2018 EN
… and the provisional budget:Provisional Budget
For any request, thank you for contacting us at: