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Public Health: A Global Issue
5-7 April 2022
Join us to celebrate World Health Day through a three-day symposium covering some of the main health issues of today: tropical diseases, cardiovascular disease and neurosystem disorders. More than ever, science cooperation will be required to tackle these challenges!
Tropical Diseases

Framework for international collaboration across global organisations and researchers
4pm AEST
8am CET
4.05 - 5pm AEST
8.05 - 9am CET
5 - 5.15pm AEST
9 - 9.15am CET
5.15 - 6.15pm AEST
9.15 - 10.15am CET
Prof. Frederic Hollande, University of Melbourne
International organisations' role
Participants from global organisations will discuss about international collaboration and cooperation on tropical diseases between countries: how collaborative links are created and operationalised?
Prof. Peter Revill, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital, and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity: "The international Coalition to Eliminate Hepatitis B (ICE - HBV) - global collaboration towards hepatitis B cure".
Prof. Maxine Wittaker, WHO's collaborating centre for Vector Borne diseases: "Collaboration and team work is at the heart of progress in global health".
Dr. Marie-Isabelle Peyre, CIRAD. "PREZODE international initiative: joining forces to promote a bottom up prevention of emerging zoonotic risks".
Dr. Selina Lo, Australian Global Health Alliance.
Dr. Salanieta Saketa, Pacific Community, Public Health Division: "The inception, growth and future of the Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network".
Short Break
Research collaboration opportunities
Australian and French expertise in the field of tropical diseases will be showcased, and opportunities for collaboration discussed
Dr. Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, Institut Pasteur in New Caledonia
Dr. Tanya Russell, James Cook University. "The Pacific Mosquito Surveillance Strengthening for Impact program".
A/Prof. Susana Vaz Nery, Kirby Institute, UNSW. "Neglected tropical diseases".
Dr. Alexandre Bourles, Institut Pasteur in New Caledonia. "Monitoring of antibiotic resistance in the environment".
Prof. Pablo Tortosa, University of La Reunion: "Dynamics of Infectious Systems in Island Environments"
Mr Regis Launay, Sanofi Pasteur: "The role of the development & manufacturing industry in the translation of science towards licensed and available vaccines for patients"
Cardiovascular Disease

The power of international collaboration to tackle the world's leading cause of death
4 - 4.15pm AEST
8 - 8.15am CET
4.15 - 5.15pm AEST
8.15 - 9.15am CET
5.15 - 6.15pm AEST
9.15 - 10.15am CET
Opening remarks
Prof Karlheinz Peter, head of the Department of cardiometabolic health, Baker Institute
Prof Thierry Correge, Science and Higher Education Attaché, Embassy of France in Australia
Presentations from organisations and funding institutions
What is the role of associations in engaging with international partners or on an international level to tackle cardiovascular diseases?
Chair: Dr Rachel Climie, The University of Tasmania
Prof Gemma A Figtree, Australian Cardiovascular Alliance. "The Australian Cardiovascular Alliance: a unique model to drive international success and collaboration".
Prof Garry Jennings, Heart Foundation: “The National Heart Foundation - reaching out”
Dr Lisa Murphy, Stroke Foundation: “Clinical guidelines are dead. Long live clinical guidelines”
Mr Adam Chapman, NHMRC. "NHMRC's International Engagement".
Mr Nishant Shandilya, Euraxess. "European funding opportunities with a focus on the Health domain"
Research collaboration opportunities
French and Australian expertise in the field of cardiovascular diseases: what are the opportunities for collaboration?
A/Prof Mathias François, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Steven Wise, The University of Sydney. "Next-Generation Nanocarriers for Emerging Therapeutics"
Prof Alison Venn, The University of Tasmania. “The International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohorts (i3C) Consortium: working together to understand how childhood contributes to cardiovascular risk”
Prof Jean-Philippe Empana, Université Paris Cité, INSERM, PARCC. “Clinical relevance of vascular aging for cardiovascular diseases in the population”
Dr Sandrine Lioret, Université Paris Cité, INSERM, CRESS. “Lifestyle behaviours and health in early life, from observation to intervention”
Nervous System Diseases and Disorders

Harnessing the power of technology and global collaboration to address unmet needs in nervous system disorders
5 - 5.30pm AEST
9 - 9.30am CET
5.30 - 5.50pm AEST
9.30 - 9.50am CET
5.50 - 6pm AEST
9.50 - 10am CET
6 - 6.30pm AEST
10 - 10.30am CET
Technology advances to address nervous system disorders:
Presentation of the electrophysiology research and technology of eye diseases and Cerebral Palsy: how these technologies can enable solutions in other disorders?
Prof. Serge Picaud, Sorbonne University. "From sight prevention to restoring vision in blind patients”
Prof. Gregg Suaning, The University of Sydney
Prof. Alistair McEwan, Cerebral Palsy Alliance and The University of Sydney
Epidemiology, health systems and unmet needs
Discussions on the current epidemiology of cerebral palsy, prevalence, possibly therapy outcomes and overall developmental issues associated with CP: what are the gaps and unmet needs?
Prof Catherine Arnaud, Toulouse University "Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe"
Dr Sarah McIntyre and Dr Hayley Smithers-Sheedy, Cerebral Palsy Alliance:“International research collaborations: working together towards a better understanding of the epidemiology and aetiology of cerebral palsy”
Role of associations and cause-driven foundations
Delivering technology outcome to patients living with epilepsy
Mr Clément Le Couedic, Association AURA : “An open science community to help people with epilepsy”
Dr. Omid Kavehei, The University of Sydney


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