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Healthcare system: Application, Perception and Improvement

27 March, 4.30-7.00pm

RMIT, The Capitol, Melbourne

Free event

What is the most important component of the healthcare system? Patients are of course!

AFRAN is proud to team up with the Embassy of France to Australia and RMIT University to organise this public event. For this unique evening, you are invited to hear voices of consumers who have experienced differently the system and also to discuss and share with amazing experts that are committed to make the healthcare system a more effective, peaceful and safe journey for all of us on a daily-basis.


It's at The Capitol, RMIT University in Melbourne on the 27th of March from 4.30 to 7pm. Take your FREE tickets here, places are going fast:

Take an opportunity to hear stories and experiences of the health journey and meet with Calum Drummond AO, DVC of RMIT University, Prof Andrew Steer, Director of Infection, Immunity and Global Health at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI), Dr Catarina Ang, Director of the AGES - Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society Limited, A/Prof Mahesh Jayaram, consultant psychiatrist, Prof Rhonda Wilson, president of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, Ms Siân Slade, PhD candidate in global health systems and Ms Sarah Collings, Patient Affairs Manager at Servier Australia.

This public event is part of the FAR into the Future of Health scientific and industry conference.

Learn more and register:

Free conference



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