Visit the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre in Perth (Australia) to undertake a project
Deadline for applications: 30th June 2023
Applications are now open for early-career (<6 years since graduation from highest degree) ocean professionals from IORA Member States to visit the Hub’s office at the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre in Perth (Australia) to undertake a project — projects can include activities such as original research, reviews or development of policy briefs, but we encourage applicants to suggest their own ideas. Visits will be from 6-8 weeks in duration, over the months of September - November 2023. Applicants should nominate collaborators that they wish to work with. Costs associated with the visit (airfares, accommodation, visa application fees) will be covered by the Hub, but salaries are not covered. Successful candidates will be selected through
a competitive process.
Applications are open to citizens or residents of an IORA Member State. Applicants should send their application to with copy to the IORA Secretariat ( addressing the following (we encourage applicants to provide this information under separate headings):
1. Name, title, country and institutional affiliation
2. Node of proposed activity: science or finance
3. Proposed activity (no more than 500 words)
4. Proposed collaborator(s), including their role and institutional affiliation.
The deadline for applications is 30th June 2023. Applicants will be notified by the end of July.
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