The Inria's Associate Teams 2022 call for proposals is open!
Inria is the French Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology. The institute regroups more than 3,900 researchers and engineers involved in world-class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk. Inria focuses on various theme including quantum computing, artificial intellignce, digital education, Internet of Things ...
What is the Associate Team program?
An Associate Team is a joint research project created between an Inria project-team and a research team from abroad. The two partners jointly define a scientific objective with a clear added value for each of them, a research plan and a program for bilateral exchanges.
Associate Teams are an essential element of this institute’s international policy. This program is one of Inria's main tool for supporting bilateral scientific collaborations and promoting and strengthening its strategic partnerships abroad.
Funding of the Associate Team program
Inria allocates funding of €7,000 to €13,000 per Associate Team. These amounts are subject to the contingencies of the pandemic evolution and may be revised consequently.
The Associate Team budget is dedicated to support:
exchanges between France and the partner country for researchers, engineers, postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and interns.
the organisation of joint workshops/working meetings.
How to apply?
Visit the Inria website for more information on the application process.
Any question? Contact us!
Application must be done before October 7th 2021.
