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Robocup 2022 - French-Australian team wins the first place!

RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition to promote robotics and AI research by tackling challenges. RoboCup has over 3,500 competitors from 45 countries with their 3,000 robots. The 25th RoboCup has been granted to Asia in Bangkok, Thailand.

RoboCup includes 5 majors leagues: soccer, rescue, @home, industry, junior.

RoboCup@home aims to develop service and assistance robot for personal domestic applications. The competition consists of a series of tests which the robots have to solve. For instance, the robot needs to host human guests in an apartment or detect incorrect behaviors in a party host.

RoboBreizh is part of RoboCup@home, in the category Standard Plaform which means that every team uses the same robot. RoboBreizh was qualified in March to participate to the contest in Bangkok. In Thailand, after 4 days of intense competition, RoboBreizh received the first place !

RoboBreizh is leaded by Cedric BUCHE, Professor at ENIB. Pr Buche is actually in CNRS delegation in Adelaide, Australia. RoboBreizh team also includes interns, engineers and PhD students. Members are from France and Australia.



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