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Research opportunities in Europe

240+ positions in ERC-funded research projects across Europe

Researchers of any nationality can develop their career through public funding linked to European Research Council (ERC) projects, even if they do not receive an ERC Grant. Recipients of ERC grants can use their funding to recruit other researchers and team members for their project. On average, each team has 4-5 members. Since its inception, ERC funding has helped create jobs for thousands of researchers. The EURAXESS Jobs portal currently lists more than 200 opportunities in ERC-funded research projects. Read more

15 Postdoc Fellowships available in various domains at the Central Bohemian Innovation Center

The Central Bohemia Mobility Programme for Excellence in Research, Innovation and Technology (MERIT) is an MSCA-COFUND postdoctoral fellowship programme for incoming mobility for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from all over the world. It is a joint initiative of the Regional Government of Central Bohemia, 15 regional research organisations as Host organisations, and 36 national and international SMEs, large enterprises, universities and high-schools as Associated partners for secondments, all coordinated by the Central Bohemian Innovation Center. Read more

10 PhD positions available to research on hydrogen-based production of green steel

Doctoral Network on the adoption of Hydrogen mEtalLurgy In the climate-neutral production Of Steel - HELIOS will train 10 motivated and talented Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in breakthrough technologies for the hydrogen-based production of green steel, including both carbon steel and stainless steel. The combination of state- of-the-art doctoral research projects, intersectoral secondments and supervision by leading companies and universities will be the foundations of HELIOS’s success. Read more



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