Publish your research in The French Australian Review of ISFAR!

The Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations (ISFAR) was founded in 1985. ISFAR conducts research and serves as a resource centre in all areas of French-Australian relations – historical as well as contemporary – and in the sciences and technology as well as in the humanities.
The Institute organises a number of scholarly, educational and cultural events each year. Its meetings and colloquia cover a wide range of activities, reflecting its members’ broad range of interests. Its publication, The French Australian Review (formerly Explorations), published twice yearly, records the results of research on French-Australian connections.
ISFAR is a non-political, non-profit, cultural and educational organisation. Its committee includes representatives from Victoria’s universities and other institutions active in the field of French-Australian relations. It has a continuing link with universities across Australia and its journal has an international Advisory Board.
The French Australian Review is a peer refereed journal, highly ranked in the previous Australian Research Council’s journal ranking list (ERA) system. It is managed by an Editorial Committee supported by an international Advisory Board. As well as fully refereed articles, The French Australian Review publishes other contributions such as notes, documents, essays, book reviews, and bibliographies on aspects of French Australian relations and experiences. It is open to receiving articles on the social and cultural, the political and economic, the contemporary as well as historical, including literature, the arts, popular culture, mutual perceptions at a distance, experiences of travellers and tourists, migration, science, the Francophone world and comparative studies.