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OzFink workshop: connecting Rubin data and Australian time-domain astromoners

Swinburne University

May 3 to 5, 2023

Description: This workshop will connect researchers in Australia working in multi-wavelength and messenger transients and Fink, a Rubin Community broker that will receive within seconds all the objects detected by LSST at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. Currently Fink is processing the data from the Zwicky Transient Facility which serves as a prototype of Rubin. This workshop will develop collaboration across Australian research groups, observing facilities and the Fink collaboration.

Context: Rubin will detect up to 10 million events every night, which will shine brightly and then fade away. Fink has been selected to process all of Rubin time-domain data stream and it is supported by CNRS. Fink will select the most promising ones quickly and communicate them so scientists around the world can study them in real time. Due to its geographical position and unique telescopes, Australia is the only place in the world where many of these events can be observed before fading away. With this data, we will answer long-standing questions about the creation of elements and the nature of matter and gravity.

We are glad to open registrations and abstract submissions !

We have opened abstract submissions with a deadline of 27 March 2023 (5pm AEDT). Submit your abstract here. We aim to cover topics such as: Fink broker, Rubin Observatory, transients, variables and moving objects science, cosmology, multi-messenger and wavelength time-domain astronomy, follow-up facilities, and technical challenges of big data.

There will be no registration fee. Virtual attendance is possible.

Some limited travel support will be available with a priority given to Early Career Researchers. Please email to apply for travel support.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop! Any questions please contact us at or


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