Opportunity of PhD at Sorbonne University on Artificial Intelligence

Under the umbrella of Sorbonne University (SU), The MSCA COFUND SOUND.AI Program aims to foster excellence in training, mobility and career development for doctoral students in one of the most dynamic AI communities in the world.
From 2023, the SOUND.AI project will implement a highly selective programme open to 30 internationally recruited PhD students. It draws on the scientific and strategic policy of Sorbonne University and its partners to actively develop fundamental and applied projects in three key interdisciplinary areas:
Changing societies, languages and cultures
A global approach to health
Resources for a sustainable planet
PhD topics can be found here:
Eligibility criteria for the candidates
MSCA Mobility Rule: applicants must NOT have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline (31st of January).
Applicants must apply for at least 3 PhD subjects, and at most 5 PhD subjects, and rank them in the application forms on this platform.
Applicants must complete their profile on this platform (an incomplete profile automatically disqualifies the candidate).
At the time of enrolment to the PhD, applicants must be in possession of a master’s degree or equivalent.
English proficiency test results: TOEIC 800 or TOEFL 79 or CEFR C1 or IELTS 6.5 (for students who have not carried out their studies in English).
No restrictions on nationality, age, gender, ethnic origin, disability/special needs or social status (like migrant/refugee) will be implemented during the selection process.
At the time of the deadline, applicants must NOT be in possession of a doctoral degree or have successfully defended their doctoral thesis awaiting formal notification.
Application requirements
The following supporting documents are to be provided in English.
Applicant's profile
The following materials are to be provided once.
Non-certified translated copies of your master's degree certificate and grade transcripts (a certified translation of the degree will be requested if the applicant is selected, to enable their enrolment for doctoral studies in France). If the degree is imminent, but not yet obtained, please provide a proof of study (dated student ID, degree registration, letter from university...).
One or more recommendation letter(s) by a professor of their current (or last) university at the time of enrolment.
Copy of an Identity Card or Passport.
Applications to subjects
The following materials are to be provided for each application (3 to 5).
CV (Europass format or ORCID) and track record, notably including any publications, prizes/grants obtained, international experience. The candidates are asked to highlight any extra-professional activities to measure leadership, creativity, communication abilities, etc.
Motivation letter: short chapter on research interests and main expertise, career plans as well as motivations for the program. The chosen PhD subjects (min. 3, max. 5) are ranked by the candidate in the application form.