IPBS-Toulouse and CBI-Toulouse (France) are seeking New Group Leaders and postdoc candidates
The Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) and the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS) in Toulouse (France) are seeking new Group leaders and postdoc candidates.
CBI and IPBS are leading research institutes of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of Toulouse, respectively founded in 1996 and 2016. They are located in Toulouse, southwest France, on the main Campus of the University Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, offering multidisciplinary education in the fields of Science, Health, Engineering and Technology, and developing one of the most important scientific research clusters in France. The CBI-Toulouse units (CRCA, LMGM and MCD) conducts internationally recognized research in fundamental aspects of the structure and function of complex biological systems. Research at CBI covers all scales from individual molecules to the whole organism and animal groups. It is multidisciplinary, combining a wide range of research fields from genetics, epigenetics and RNA biology to microbiology, cell biology, chromatin / chromosome dynamics, developmental biology, neurobiology, collective animal behavior, as well as computational and systems biology. The IPBS-Toulouse is a world leader in the discovery, characterization and validation of novel pathways and pharmacological targets in the fields of cancer, infection and inflammation, through the use of innovative molecular and cellular biology approaches, in vivo functional exploration and state-of-the-art research in structural biology, proteomics and biophysics. The two institutes bring together more than 650 scientists and supporting staffs, including more than 100 national and international postdoctoral fellows and PhD students, in 56 research groups. They offer an outstanding scientific and stimulating research environment, promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity, and several cutting-edge core facilities. These include mass spectrometry and proteomics, macromolecular crystallography, electron microscopy with cryo-EM, liquid- and solid-state NMR, biophysical characterization of proteins and complexes, virtual screening, single particle tracking and tethered particle motion analysis, whole body, tissue and cellular imaging, flow cytometry and cell sorting in standard or BSL3 laboratories and animal facilities (housing bees, Drosophila, zebrafish, Xenopus and mice), together with a computer cluster for large data analysis and simulation. In order to reinforce their research endeavors in an inspiring, collaborative and multinational scientific environment, in an ambiance fostering equality, diversity and inclusivity, the IPBS and the CBI have launched their annual calls for the recruitment of NEW TALENTED GROUP LEADERS addressing fundamental questions, with priority on: Integrative Structural Biology, covering Microbiology and drug discovery, Cancer microenvironment and biology, Inflammation and Infection Biology:https://www.ipbs.fr/we-recruit-a-group-leader-in-integrative-structural-biology/Application deadline: May 14, 2024Neurosciences and Animal Behaviour within the spectrum of the CRCA research fields, such as experience-dependent plasticity of neural circuits and/or behaviour, mechanisms underlying cognitive processes, mechanisms of individual or collective behaviour, behavioural ecology. These topics may be addressed at different levels (molecular, cellular, networks, individual, group), using a variety of approaches: genetics, imaging or electrophysiology in or ex vivo, computational modelling, automatic tracking, comparative biology, and field studies.
Application deadline: May 14, 2024
Molecular, Physiological and Cellular roles of RNA chemical modifications in eukaryotes through the opening of Junior Professor chair dedicated to this field by the CNRS.https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CPJ/CPJ-2024-003/Default.aspx
Application deadline: March 20, 2024
Starting package: Successful candidates will be provided with a starting package including office and lab space for 5-10 people, staff support, seed funding, mentoring to obtain a tenured position at CNRS and facilitated access to on-site technological facilities.
Outstanding candidates, of any nationality at early-career stage, are expected to develop competitive, independent research and meet the required criteria for successful application to national and international funding, including ATIP-Avenir, FRM, ANR “Jeunes chercheurs – Jeunes chercheuses”, ERC-StG or CoG, or equivalent installation grant, and to a position at CNRS. Senior researchers holding a CNRS or University position are also welcome to apply.
The IPBS and the CBI are also willing to recruit of TALENTED POSTDOC CANDIDATES addressing fundamental questions on ALL IPBS topics, and ALL CBI topics. Outstanding candidates holding a PhD are expected to develop first-class research and meet the required criteria for successful application to national and international fellowships, including of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the EMBO, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, among others. Candidates are encouraged to contact IPBS and CBI group leaders to discuss their research objectives.
Application throughout the year
