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Horizon Europe opportunities

35 PhD positions available in varied domains within the MSCA COFUND programme - AUFRANDE

The Australia France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE) is a highly ambitious interdisciplinary doctoral program linking France and Australia, with a strong support from the industry. AUFRANDE seeks to recruit 35 excellent doctoral researchers of any nationality, gender, and background from around the world. All AUFRANDE researchers will be enrolled in a dual PhD programme, in both France and Australia, and will therefore benefit from a tailored mentoring and the doctoral courses available at both universities. Each open position is advertised with three research project options, only one of which will be funded. Applicants are invited to choose the research project option that best suits them.

10 PhD positions available to research on Brain Metabolism

The Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Network ETERNITY (“FuEl ThE bRaiN In healtThY aging and age-related diseases”) is a consortium consisting of laboratories from Universities, Research Institutions and Small-Medium Enterprises. ETERNITY offers a groundbreaking PhD level training in brain metabolism, focusing on metabolic and aged-related disorders. Given the complementary expertise, ETERNITY will have excellent opportunities to delineate different molecular pathways underlying impaired brain metabolism as well as to identify novel pharmaceutical targets and/or nutritional interventional strategies that may ameliorate ageing and related disorders.

8 PhD positions in the field of Nanomedicine

The Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Network STRIKE aims to develop a research and training network in nanomedicine/precision medicine, rising a new generation of entrepreneurial and innovative multidisciplinary young researchers. STRIKE will provide enhanced career perspectives in academic and non-academic sectors for 8 ESRs in highly innovative fields by interdisciplinary mobility among 12 institutes/companies in 8 EU countries. New experimental aspects on design and synthesis of nanostructured magnetic materials are applied to the development of innovative magnetic field-responsive nanotherapeutics for osteosarcoma (OS) combinational therapy. Moreover, the peculiar features of STRIKE nanomaterials are exploited for liquid biopsy using biological samples of BRCA+ breast cancer (BC) patients.


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