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Horizon Europe - Launch in Australia & New Zealand

Virtual free event - 24 August 5 pm - 6.30 pm AEST

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion for the period of 2021-2027. The Horizon Europe Launch in Australia & New Zealand is a high-profile formal event organised by EURAXESS Australia & New Zealand in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union to Australia, the Delegation of the European Union to New Zealand and SF28 – EU-Australia & New Zealand Policy Support.

The 90-minute virtual event will provide an overview of Horizon Europe to stakeholders and researchers interested in getting involved in the programme.

Who should attend?

Researchers of any nationality & discipline are welcome to join. The event is targeted at PhD candidates, Postdoctoral & established researchers, university research support offices, other research institutions, and business & industry actors.


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