Erasmus Mundus Joint Master opportunity
The GREENANO Erasmus Mundus Joint Master is a newly launched program dedicated to Nanomaterials for Green and Digital Transition. The program is led by the Consortium comprising:
University of Lorraine in France as the Coordinator
Tor Vergata University of Rome and CNR Institute of Structure of Matter in Italy
Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School in Slovenia
The program provides students with an opportunity to study in three countries and earn three Master's degree diplomas.
While the GREENANO program is open to candidates worldwide, we have also identified specific target countries for the recruitment of excellent students, including Australia. Selected students will be awarded the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship, offering a monthly stipend of 1,400 euros throughout the program.
Learn more on this link.
Follow the GREENANO LinkedIn account for the latest updates and information.
Watch the Online Information Session on December 8th, where our professors will provide insights into the program's curriculum, application procedures, and more.
