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Conversation about our urban night skies

20 June, 6-8pm

Mount Stromlo Observatory

Join the conversation and discover an Australian research project led in partnership with the French company OMEXON on adaptive lighting, where computational abilities of smart streetlights are used to control the light emitted from the lamp. This project is being conducted through collaboration with the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) at ANU and the ACT Government, along with various other stakeholders to design a lighting plan for adaptive lighting in the ACT.

The speakers for this conversation are:

  • Mr Danny Bettay - PhD candidate at ANU conducting research on the impact of streetlighting design and lead in the Adaptive Lighting Project (ALP)

  • Mr Michael Rosetta, Manager of OMEXOM – provider of the means and capabilities and resources that currently enables the ALP

  • Dr Brad Tucker, Australian leading Astronomist – in collaboration for the project to conduct tests on land and in space to measure infrared radiation from ALP trials

  • Mr Pete Swanton, Executive Director, Australasian Dark Sky Alliance – monitoring the impact of the ALP on Australia’s dark skies, and what this might also mean in terms of indigenous astronomy and education.



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