Call for applications for the European Doctoral programme in ENergy and Environment (EDEN)

Energy and the Environment are two subjects linked to the main societal challenges described in the strategic European research project Horizon H2020, namely societal challenges N°3 “Safe, clean and efficient energy” and N°5 “Action for the climate, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”.
In this context, the European doctoral programme in Energy and Environment EDENE is an ambitious multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international project over a period of 5 years offering quality training to a total of 30 international and highly-qualified doctoral students in these fields. For this second call of application, EDENE will allow 10 excellent researchers to develop their talent beyond the Master, via a project of their choice, while being integrated in the best teams of the Université de Pau et des pays de l'Ardour (UPPA) and possible partners.
Application deadline: 31rst March 2022
Find out more on the requirements and application process: