Café Scientifique - The Life of Théodore Leschenault
Date: 12 Nov 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am (GMT+08:00) Perth
WA Museum Boola Bardip
Théodore Leschenault is best known to Western Australians as the botanist who came to Australia with the Baudin expedition of 1800-1804 and collected plants here – his work being commemorated in various local place-names and in the plant genus Lechenaultia. But who was he and how did the rest of his career unfold?
This talk will trace Leschenault’s life from his early years in Burgundy and his imprisonment during the French Revolution to his Australian voyage and subsequent collecting in South-East Asia, India and South America. It will look at Leschenault’s struggle to make a career for himself as a professional botanist and discuss his activities against their tumultuous historical backdrop.
This workshop is delivered in English and it is open to everyone.
You must register to this event before 11 November on this link
