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Antarctic Research Grant 2024

Deadline for applications: 29 September, 2023

France and Australia have collaborated on Antarctic science and logistics for many years. This cooperation includes the supply of Antarctic stations, the transportation of personnel and the logistics of fieldwork, including recent efforts to collect a million-year ice core.

Tasmania serves as a regular port of call for French ships bound for the Antarctic, and hosts a large contingent of French researchers employed in Australian organisations.

In order to promote the potential for scientific cooperation between our two countries and to celebrate the Madrid Protocol that establishes Antarctica as a natural reserve devoted to peace and science, the Embassy of France in Australia and Monash University, through its ARC SRI Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future, have jointly established a research grant to support collaborative French-Australian science.

This cooperative research grant aims to foster and reinforce collaboration between scientists in all scientific fields on projects related to the study of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. The funding can be used to facilitate exchanges of researchers between Australia and France, as well as to support research and fieldwork. Applications must be for a joint project involving at least one organisation in Australia and one organisation in France.

More information and to apply: download the application form


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