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Café scientifique: The south Seas Voyages of François Peron: Artefacts from the pre-history of Austr

Date: 11 Sep 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm (GMT+08:00) Perth

Place: the Alliance Française patio - 75 Broadway, Nedlands WA

The AFRAN and the Alliance Française in Perth have the immense pleasure to host the first Café Scientifique with brilliant/young archaeologist specialising in the Pacific Emilie Dotte-Sarout from UWA Friday 11th September at 10am in the Alliance Française patio to talk about her work.

Emilie Dotte-Sarout is an archaeologist specialising in the Pacific. She is originally from New Caledonia, has trained in France, the US and Australia, and has worked as an archaeobotanist (investigating the ancient use of plants in human societies and its impact on the environment) in French Polynesia, Australia and New Caledonia. This constant movement across the anglophone and francophone spheres in the Pacific, and her background in history and cultural anthropology, have more recently pushed her to investigate the history of francophone archaeology in the Pacific. This research has been part of the larger project led by Prof. Matthew Spriggs at the Australian National University between 2015 and 2020, that aimed to apply a history of science lens to the development of archaeology, its theories and ideas, in the Pacific region (CBAP – The Collective History of Archaeology in the Pacific). Since April 2020, she is back at UWA with a new research project that focuses on the hidden contributions of the first women to be engaged in Pacific archaeology: Pacific Matildas – finding the women in the history of Pacific Archaeology.

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