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Funded PhD in Australia on Greek History

This category-1 PhD position could well launch a successful research career. This opportunity is open to all-interested students anywhere in the world. It is fully funded.

This doctoral student will join a large international team of leading Greek historians under the direction of Associate Professor David M. Pritchard (The University of Queensland [Brisbane]) and Professor Ian Worthington (Macquarie University [Sydney]). Our project is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). This project (grant no. DP200101253), which is entitled ‘“From Where the Fine Warships Come”: Democratic Athens at War’, aims to transform our understanding of ancient Athens from c. 630 to 321 BC.

As the Chief Investigators of this ARC project we are especially looking for a first-rate doctoral researcher to study Athenian politics and warfare before 508 BC. This would be your chance to adjudicate the famous Frost–Van Wees debate and to write the book on archaic Athens. We would also be interested in considering research proposals about politics and warfare in Athens after 508 BC.

This is a truly international search. There are no citizenship restrictions on applicants. The basic requirement is a BA Hons or MPhil in Ancient History or Classics. Formal training in classical Greek and a reading knowledge of French and/or German would be big advantages. You will write your PhD thesis under the direct supervision of David Pritchard at the University of Queensland in Brisbane (Australia).

Your position will include a tax-free stipend of $AU28,092 per year for up to 4 years, a tuition-fee waiver of $AU35,280 per year for up to 4 years and, for an international student, comprehensive health insurance.

More information on this link

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