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Call for Papers - IHAW 2020 (dead Line 15/01/20)

ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (May 4-6 2020 / Rouen FRANCE / is the first of the series of International Conferences on « ICT for Societal Challenges ».

This conference aims to be a platform for multi and interdisciplinary research at the interplay between Information and Communication Technologies, Biomedical, Neuro-cognitive, and Experimental research.

Submission procedure Proposals should fit one of the following categories:

  • Scientific Papers (SP): 4-pages abstract; 6-pages camera-ready paper after acceptance,

  • Posters (P): 1-page abstract,

  • Demonstrations (D): 1-page description,

  • Student Scientific Paper (SSP): 4-pages (with a student as a first author).

Accepted papers will entail a 15 minutes oral presentation during the conference.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • AI and Cognition, Cognitive Mechatronics, Human-Machine Interaction, Cobotics, Model-based design and configuration tools for healthcare and well-being

  • Systems for management of health and care

  • Systems promoting access to the socio-economical and cultural environment

  • Age-friendly systems for active and healthy aging

  • Multimodal assistive ICT devices to empower people with sensory, cognitive, motor, balance and spatial impairments

  • ICT systems to improve the quality of life and for daily life activities assistance

  • Smart living homes and wearables

  • New experimental validation methods with end-users

  • Standardization, certification, labeling, privacy, security and communication issues

Important dates

15th January 2020: Submission deadline 15th March 2020: Camera-ready papers submission

15th February 2020: Acceptance notification

10th February 2020: Registration opening 15th March 2020: End of early-bird registration

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