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AFRAN Forum!

AFRAN Forum, on 5 December in Adelaide

Today our world faces unprecedented challenges. Continued population growth and movement, climate change and degradation of our natural environments, rapid technological transformations and increasing inequality are all leading to the need for us to question assumptions in current modes of production, knowledge systems and associated lifestyles. All research and innovation responses to better support societies to better address these challenges will need to be inter-disciplinary. From AI integration and human-machine interaction to the impact of human activities on the climate and environment, or our societies' governance choices and business models, it is not enough to rely on the natural and engineering sciences. The social sciences and the humanities are required too, in order to understand the role of human values, cultures and beliefs in the societies we have built and want to build now. Together, across disciplines and cultures, we need to open up debates and share knowledge to inform choices and actions that will shape our collective future.

This year, AFRAN Forum's theme is:

Interdisciplinarity and multiple roles of the social sciences in supporting research and innovation challenges of the 21st Century

Registration and draft program available on this eventbrite link

The Forum will be followed by the AFRAN AGM

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