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Nicolas Baudin Program: “Internships in France” initiative

Deadline 2 February 2020

Launched as a pilot program in 2017, the Nicolas Baudin “Internships in France” initiative offers students from participating Australian universities the opportunity to undertake a research internship at a French host university in collaboration with an industry partner.

The objectives of the “Internships in France” initiative are to:

  • Increase student mobility from Australia to France

  • Contribute to the attractiveness and promotion of the French higher education and research systems

  • Strengthen student mobility within French-Australian scientific collaborations; initiate longer-term collaborations (cotutelle theses, CIFRE theses) through student stays

  • Contribute to the reconciling of the Australian university sector with the industry sector and promote the quality of interactions between universities and industry in France

  • The Embassy provides a grant to finance the cost of return travel to France. Naval Group and Thales cover the travel of those students selected for internships of which they are industry partners (for students from Group of Eight universities, Flinders University or UniSA).

  • The host institution in France provides the intern with a mandatory internship stipend (minimum of 560€ per month according to current internship laws in effect).

  • The home university in Australia provides the Laureate with an additional grant to help cover their daily costs during their stay in France ($2500).

More information on this link

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