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DigitAg - the Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab

Digital agriculture is demanding interdisciplinarity: designing new tools and services for digital agriculture with the ambition to transfer them to users requires not only knowledge in agricultural and digital sciences, but also in social, management and economic sciences for successful innovation and a good understanding of societal impacts. DigitAg scientific communities is organized in 6 main scientific areas:

  • TIC and rural societies

  • Innovation in digital agriculture

  • Sensors and data acquisition/processing

  • Information systems, data storage, transfers and sharing

  • Data Mining, Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery

  • Multiscale modelling and simulation

DigitAg, the Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab, gathers 4 research Institutes (IRSTEA, INRA, CIRAD, INRIA), 3 institutes of Higher Education (Montpellier SupAgro, AgroParisTech,University of Montpellier), 2 innovation-transfer structures (ACTA, AXLR satt), and 8 companies (IDATE, Agriscope, fruition sciences, ITK, Pera-Pellenc, SMAG, TerraNIS, Vivelys)

Every year, DigitAg launches a PhD campaign and supports new theses, from blue skies to applied research. Discover all our Autumn 2019 PhD opportunities on this link.

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