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Jean Monnet EU–Australia Centre of Excellence for Economic Cooperation 2019 Visiting Fellowship

Call for applications

Applications close 30 April 2019


EU–Australia economic cooperation is entering an ambitious new phase. Policymakers and key stakeholders hope that the proposed trade agreement will have a transformational impact on political and economic cooperation. While EU–Australia economic cooperation is increasing, the international economic landscape has shifted dramatically. Technological advances and global value chains have redefined traditional flows of goods, capital and services across borders and tested the limits of established international institutions of economic cooperation. Importantly, public dissent and changing domestic politics is affecting international trade. The broad consensus relating to trade liberalisation – and the institutions which have facilitated it – are under threat. There is an urgent need for governments to explain trade liberalisation and why it matters to citizens. The Centre of Excellence has a deeply practical focus and the work program engages with the policy developments related to the proposed Australia–EU trade negotiations. These practical discussions are framed by the academic debates about the changing international economic landscape in which the EU and Australia must now operate. The Centre’s principal objective is to identify opportunities for the EU and Australia to progress the bilateral economic relationship and to pursue shared objectives in regional and multilateral contexts. We are seeking a Visiting Fellow to assist ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES) in undertaking this research. Primarily, the Visiting Fellow will research shared trade policy interests in relation to the multilateral and regional context and provide accurate information relating to the trade agreement as the negotiations unfold. Ideally this work will be undertaken between 1 June 2019 and 1 December 2019. The Visiting Fellow will receive up to 4,500 Euros towards airfares, accommodation and living expenses. Payment is dependent on the period of stay at ANUCES and distance travelled. The Visiting Fellow will be required to produce a Briefing Paper and academic publications summarising the results of their work within the context of the Centre of Excellence. The Visiting Fellow will also be expected to take an active role in ANUCES research and outreach activities.


Complete the attached Application Form and email it to: with your CV and statement (max. 500 words) addressing the Selection Criteria and outlining your proposed project and publications for this Fellowship.


Writing skills, especially communicating complex issues clearly;

Ability to participate in an interdisciplinary research environment; and

Ability to complete a project within a defined short time frame.


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