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International Conference “Architecture in tropical environments: constructing the landscape. Between


As part of its evolution, the Reunion branch of the Higher National School of Architecture of Montpellier (ENSAM) has set itself the objective of developing original research around the general topic of ‘Architecture, towns and territories in tropical environments’, with the aim of creating in Reunion a centre of expertise for French architectural design in the Indian Ocean.

In this context, the Reunion section of ENSAM is to hold an international conference on 30th and 31st October 2019. Through exchange of experiences and presentation of research projects, the conference will focus on the specific issues of architectural, planning and landscape projects in the inter-tropical zone:

  • Topic 1. Hazard management in the tropical environment

  • Topic 2. Sustainable development, protection of local resources, preservation of the environment and development of local economies.

  • Topic 3. Architecture and ways of living in tropical environment

  • Topic 4. Bioclimatic architecture local and/or bio-sourced materials

  • Topic 5. What approaches to project processes in the context of global change?

For more information, please contact Karine Dupre

Proposals for contributions, in French or English, to be submitted by 30th April 2019 at the latest to : Madam Hamida MLANAO

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