Beginner workshop for microbiome data analysis

April 15 – 17, 2019
Hosted by Melbourne Integrative Genomics, University of Melbourne.
Complex microbial networks have a central role in the provision and regulation of ecosystems. Multiple microbial biotechnology applications are contributing to global efforts to achieve sustainability - through purification of wastewater, waste valorisation, bioenergy production, or to understand the role of microbiome in human disease and healthy states. Statistical analysis of microbiome data is challenging due to the inherent characteristics of the data, such as high sparsity and compositional structure. This workshop will introduce major concepts including multivariate dimension methods developed in mixOmics. These methods make no distributional assumptions, are highly flexible for unsupervised (exploratory), supervised (classification) and integration analyses.
This hands-on course is one of the initiatives supported by AFRAN in 2018. It is coordinated by Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao (University of Melbourne) and Dr Olivier Chapleur (IRSTEA) as a bilateral French-Australian initiative, with the objective to establish an interdisciplinary research initiative to build capacity in best practice statistical analysis.
More information, including registration bursaries for UoM ECR, visit the website EOI applications close: 11 March 2019. Register your interest here