Europa Policy Lab - How is science mobilised to design, assess and ligitimate environment and risk-r
Thursday 11 October 2018, 12.30–2pm at The Nye Hughes Room, ANU Centre for European Studies, The Australian National University

There is a strong trend to considering that risk assessment is ‘science based’ and risk management and governance are ‘based on politics’. This leads many to assume that science and policy are done separately, or at least should be. When politics capture science there is a risk of political obscurantism that could lead to endanger common and public goods. This Europa Policy Lab seeks to establish a cross-cultural diagnosis on the way science and policy interact in Australia, France and more largely in Europe.
Professor Myriam Merad is an associate member at UMR LAMSADE, Dauphine University, France. She leads research in risk governance and decisions in safety, security and health and environment. Professor Merad is primarily interested in expertise framing, policy analysis and participative/deliberative decision analysis.
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