SEMINARS & PODCASTS Classics & Ancient History, Brisbane
You are warmly invited to the seminars & the public lectures in Classics & Ancient History at the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2nd semester 2018.
For many of you, Australia is simply a very long way away. Even within the country, Brisbane often seems beyond the oikoumenē gē (‘the inhabited world’). In Queensland itself there are teachers of Ancient History whose high schools are hundreds or thousands of kilometres from this state’s capital city. For all of you UQ Classics & Ancient History is resuming the podcasting of our seminars and public lectures.
In due course podcasts of the talks by A. Brown (Queensland), S. Harrison (Oxford), A. Kotsonas (Cincinnati), D. M. Pritchard (Queensland) & J. Quinn (Oxford) will be made available here.
Please find attached the program of our talks: Classic & Ancient History seminars