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AFRAN met with President Macron and Minister Vidal early May in Sydney

On his arrival, on 1st of May 2018, French President Mr. Emmanuel Macron has met Australian political stakeholders, along with our association’s president Dr. Katherine Daniell, who briefly briefed him and Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull on the Association’s mission.

Dr. Katherine Daniell, Prof. Pascale Quester, President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull

AFRAN was also present at an official dinner, on the 2nd of May, with the French high education, research and innovation delegation: French Ministers Vidal, Buzyn, Blanquer, Girardin and Secretaire d’Etat Lecornu. AFRAN’s president, vice-president, A/Prof. Kondo-François Aguey-Zinsou, and 35 scientists members of the association had the opportunity to exchange on their experiences of scientific cooperation between France and Australia, but also to showcase the association’s activites, its potential for structuring the bilateral cooperation, as well as its development objectives, in particular in France.

The French Minister for Solidarity and Health, Agnes Buzyn with AFRAN scientist

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