2-year post-doctoral position in biophysics
Deciphering the physical mechanisms of pyroptotic cell lysis
The post-doctoral researcher will work under the guidance of Sylvain Monnier [Institut Lumière Matière (iLM)], Virginie Petrilli [Centre de recherche en cancérologie de Lyon (CRCL)] and Pierre
Recho [Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de physique (LIPhy)] in the framework of the ANR project SurVol coordinated by M. Piel.
The post-doctoral researcher will be in charge of single cell experiments, carrying out quantitative microscopy and data analysis and potentially modelling/simulation of the observed phenomena. The candidate will spend most his/her time in Lyon at the iLM and at the CRCL to perform experiments. The theoretical side of the project will be handled at the LiPhyin Grenoble.
The position will be in Lyon, starting in October 2021. PhD degree required.