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Social Science Collaborative Research Program - call for projects 2021 is now open!
Deadline for apllications: Monday 2 November 2020 The Embassy of France in Australia and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia...

Café scientifique: The south Seas Voyages of François Peron: Artefacts from the pre-history of Austr
Date: 11 Sep 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm (GMT+08:00) Perth Place: the Alliance Française patio - 75 Broadway, Nedlands WA The AFRAN and the...

AFRAN 2020 Laureates!
This year the AFRAN Association will support 8 of its members' initiatives with a budget of 22 000 Au$. Deep Histories of Oceania The...

Pacific Pioneers : Archaeology in the "Sea of Islands" and the first women in the field
Wednesday 2 September, 6 - 7pm AWST The Pacific Ocean is the largest on our planet and the story of its human exploration and settlement...

French connections in Australia - Les voyages extraordinaires of scientific discovery
Early French voyages, led by commanders like Baudin, Bougainville, Lapérouse, D’Entrecasteaux, Freycinet, Duperrey and Dumont d’Urville,...

Social Sciences Stories
Watch a video of a keynote given by AFRAN member Emily Dotte-Sarout as part of a Symposium organised at the UNC in September 2019 (in...

AFRAN Call for Initiatives 2020
Overview This year’s call seeks to further empower the AFRAN community by supporting initiatives that complement those already eligible...

Second call for application - Pacific Fund 2020
A second call for application of the 2020 Pacific Fund is now open until 1 September 2020. To be selected, projects will need to...

Selby Fellowship open now
Deadline Monday 1 June, 2020 Fellowships are awarded by the Council of the Academy on the recommendations of the Selby Fellowship...

2020 Australia-France Social Science Collaborative Research Grants Awarded
The Embassy of France and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia have partnered to set up a new program allowing our two...
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