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Webinar: International Partnerships In The Time of Covid-19
How to sustain scientific and academic collaborations between France & Australia during and after a pandemic? How will international...

Selby Fellowship open now
Deadline Monday 1 June, 2020 Fellowships are awarded by the Council of the Academy on the recommendations of the Selby Fellowship...

France’s action for research to fight Covid-19
Funding and calls for projects Emergency funds: 50 million € On 19 March, the President of the Republic announced the establishment of an...

Funded PhD in Australia on Greek History
This category-1 PhD position could well launch a successful research career. This opportunity is open to all-interested students anywhere...

Euraxess Worldwide
Euraxess Worldwide is an initiative of the European Commission that addresses barriers to the mobility of researchers and seeks to...

Outcomes of the AFRAN Forum 2019
The 2019 AFRAN Forum was held on 5 December at the University of Adelaide, on the theme of: ‘Interdisciplinarity and multiple roles of...

Call for Papers - IHAW 2020 (dead Line 15/01/20)
ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (May 4-6 2020 / Rouen FRANCE / is the first of the series of International...

Research and Innovation to boost the economy
The association WIMnet - Women in Mining Network - organises an event to benchmark how France, but also UK, Germany, and US support and...

1st Aerospace Europe Conference
To pave the way for a single European aerospace conference, 3AF and CEAS have decided to join forces to launch the very first edition of...

Jean Monnet EU–Australia Centre of Excellence for Economic Cooperation 2019 Visiting Fellowship
Call for applications Applications close 30 April 2019 ABOUT THE FELLOWSHIP EU–Australia economic cooperation is entering an ambitious...
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